Várices vulvares: ¡ no sufras en silencio!

Parece concebible que cuando los expertos en Salud estiman que el 10 por ciento de las mujeres embarazadas experimentan várices vulvares, es decir, varices vaginales, podrían subestimar groseramente la incidencia de esta afección. Hay mujeres — que saben cuántas — que no reportarán este dolor, picazón, pesadez e incomodidad general en la vulva, ya sea…

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Vulvar Varicosities: Don’t Suffer in Silence!

It seems conceivable that when health experts estimate that 10 percent of pregnant women experience vulvar varicosities, that is to say vaginal varicose veins, they could be grossly underestimating the incidence of this condition. There are women—who knows how many—who will not report this pain, itch, heaviness and general discomfort in the vulva, either because…

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